What is your LO eating schedule/how much solids/bottle?

Hi mamas! My boy will be 7 months tomorrow and im am wondering if we are accidently underfeedung him. We were doing 2 oz of solids 2-3 times a day and we're doing 5-6 bottles a day of 4-5 oz. Seems that despite hes getting at least 24 oz of formula a day, he is still hungry! He started waking for a 6th bottle at night! Im increasing his solids to 4 oz 2-3 times a day and his bottles to 5-6 oz to see if this helps his hunger. So i am curious, what is your typically feeding schedule for your 7 month old? Curious for input! Thank you 😊
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We give our son cereal at every bottle time, and then purees around lunch and dinner time. Plus his normal 6oz bottle. I have NO CLUE if this is a correct way if doing it though. He just turned 7 months on Tuesday

My son just turned 7 months and gets 4-5 bottles of formula with 6-8oz each. We also give him an egg in the morning for breakfast with a side of butter, some meat stock in a straw cup for lunch with a little bit of whatever I made for myself (tuna, leftovers, etc) and then for dinner he has a little bit of what we cook for ourselves (salmon, ribs, steak, etc.). We also give him some butter before bed time as a little “dessert” 😊

I started giving cereal in the bottles at first and then moving to purées once a day and 6 oz bottles

Also, he was born 6 weeks early so he’s only ~16lbs if that matters at all â˜ș

5oz bottle every 3 hours. Solid breakfast egg yolk and avocado, and then snacks like applesauce and Greek yogurt

No food, breastfeeding on demand. We wait until a year old

I don’t measure my daughter food she just stops when she’s full (sure to never over due it ofc). She has an 8 oz bottle when she wakes and when she goes to sleep otherwise she has 4-6 oz of Milk with breakfast lunch and dinner. What she eat depends on the day but it’s a mixture of solids and purĂ©es She is 7months

Mine is combo fed so she gets both breasts in the morning followed by some purĂ©ed fruit mixed with yogurt and either baby teething crackers or some of what we are having for breakfast if it’s easy to make some for her to feed herself. Then she gets 4oz formula before her first nap. When she wakes she gets both breasts again then some fruit and veggie purĂ©e mixed with some baby cereal. Later before her last nap she get another 4oz bottle then some meat purĂ©e mixed with veggie purĂ©e and sometimes a bit of dinner again if it’s something I can serve as a baby led weaning type. After her last nap she gets both breasts then before bed she gets an 8oz bottle. If she wakes at all in the night she gets one breast. But generally she sleeps 12 hours straight at night. She is 6.5m

You shouldn’t increase solids as milk should be given first as food is more play before one. He’s likely he’s just going through a growth spurt it’s normal for babies to drink 24-33 oz at this age the milk has better nutrition than the food does and they will continue to drink 18-24oz till a year old. It actually sounds like you’re giving him quite a lot of food tbh!

My pediatrician said to give 30-36 ounces of milk a day when babe was 6 months old. So if anything, I'd increase your babe's milk intake per day.

@Alissa why do you wait until a year? Just curious I’m a FTM.

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