Been there recently. Deep breathe. Its normal and you are a good mom. I am not a drinker and still nursing at 16 months. So it's hard to find time to have adult time. So mom called me over and made me mudslides just to have some fun. Wasn't enough to even get buzzed. But got me to feel like I was my own person and gave me a good sized break. It helped.
Two things are true. You are a good mom and you are having a hard time. I have read a lot of amazing parenting books and I STILL lose my sh@t. We are human. Just know You are not alone and it’s normal.
You are human , take a deep breath , remember to unclench your jaw …. Count to 10 , take yourself away for a minute to gather your thoughts - I’ve had 3 kids at different times in my life ( my oldest I had when I was 19 - he’s turning 18 this year, my daughter I had when I was 23 l- she’s turning 14 this year, my youngest is turning 2 this year I had him at 35) Being a mum in my 30’s is the hardest one yet You are winning at life!!! Here if you need anything remember deep breaths x
You're only human. We all have those days 🩷
Currently 8 months pregnant, and everything hurts. I have a 2yr old that runs me ragged and dad doesn't help me either. So I get it, I feel so awful when I lose patience with him. I try to apologize, but I know the damage is done. You are not alone mama