@Jade thank you!!! I just assumed it wasn’t as I say she’s eventually sick when I burp her and then I feel awful cause I’ve been doing it so long. We already use infacol but might try something else! Thanks again ☺️
We used infacol for a while but noticed it wasn’t doing much. We ready the side affects and we think it gave her a poorly tummy so the crying wasn’t only wind. We did have the MAM bottles but we have recently changed them to the DR BROWN bottles which we believe has helped, I mean she still has trapped wind but not as bad. Oh and chances her milk from aptamil to aptamil comfort ♥️
Make sure that during feed, you are winding really well. My girl has 4oz and at every oz, we stop, wind, do it until she burps, then carry on. If helps.
@Jess yes I already do this. She was up for 4hrs in the night being the same starting whenever I lay her down so I’m actually now thinking it could be silent reflux! Thanks for the tip though ☺️
Hi Amy, my baby girl is the same age and does the exact same thing, I spoke to the midwife about this and unfortunately it is trapped wind. It’s a pain I know, Marleys can last so much longer than 5 minutes though. Hope this helps and good luck 🤞🏼