Hey lovely I’m currently 34 weeks with a breech baba. They’ve been in this position for 2/3 weeks now. I’m doing Moxa and spinning babies as well as yoga and walking daily. Mainly just hoping for the best! My placenta isn’t low lying so can’t comment on that but I’m pretty sure I’d refuse an ECV unless the obstetrician could convince me that the positives outweigh the risks… I was told we’ll discuss a section/ whatever other options I have at my next scan at 36 weeks. Where is your head at in terms of ECV/ Section? Feel free to message me if that’s easier xx
You can definitely refuse an ecv. A lot of insurance companies don't even cover it and the attempt is thousands. I think its 36 weeks they book a c section if baby is still breech. You are right though, you have plenty of time. Mine moved at 34/35 weeks. I went to a Webster technique chiro, did spinning babies, acupuncture with moxibustion, slept with a peanut ball between my legs on my sides and listening to the Hypnobabies turn your breech baby soundtrack in bed with the peanut ball every chance I got.