@Sarah Thank you! Yeah just wanted to check the official period.
my babies 10 weeks today and we’ve been what i think is out of it for maybe 3 weeks😭 he’s sooo much better now! it really is the trenches those first few weeks 🤣
@Katie Oh bless! What better changes you can see? I can’t wait to see some!!!
@Becky This is what confused me Lol
he definitely cries a lot less, especially whilst having his bum/clothes changed! he sleeps so much easier & better (occasionally longer) but overall his sleep definitely improved! which helped me a lot, i had so many negative thoughts (purely from sleep deprivation) i hated my life at the beginning but since he’s grown and ive learnt what his cues are/what he needs, things have been so so much easier! he laughs a LOT and can be just left to sit and stare into space he’s so content 🥹 a few weeks ago he’d just want to be on me 24/7 now i can put him down and he will be perfectly happy it’s great. don’t get me wrong some days are harder but for the most part it really does get better you won’t notice it straight away, at least i didn’t 🥹 but a few weeks of calmness and better sleep now has made me realise im finally out of that stage and ready for whatever else is to come! i dont have much of a routine myself but i try my hardest to keep to a bed time one for him which helped so much.
Too long 🥱 💤
@Katie This gave me hope :( thank you
@Jess Lol yeah seems never ending
They say they’re only a newborn for the first 8 weeks but depends what you mean by stage. I don’t think suddenly at 8 weeks all the traits go from newborn like they won’t suddenly sleep and not want to be on you all the time etc but officially they aren’t a newborn after 8 weeks x