Bed sharing 4 year old
Anyone any tips on how to get your 4 year old to sleep in their own bed at night time. He wakes at 11pm and will be put back in his own bed but wakes again soon after and comes in again, this time refusing to go back in his bed. Him and Dad end up swapping beds every night
Sounds like you may have created a rod for your own back (it happens! No judgement lol) as he knows he can refuse and that’s that. I would try ‘reset’ bedtime so he wants to stay in his own bed. We bought our boy a double bed at 4 years old because we decorated his room and needed his baby/toddler furniture for his baby sisters room. He absolutely loves it. Having something new and ‘grown up’ may help. Saying ‘you are old enough for…’ has helped us get over some hurdles with our son as he likes to be seen as a ‘big boy’