I'd recommend somewhere with a heated pool for baby, like Aqua Kids, Bunka or Plains. We're just moving our 3 year old to Brighouse Pool, but found it was too cold there when he was a baby! x
We did lessons at Ogden Otters and its a small really warm pool. We only stopped going as he was constantly poorly and never picked it back up. Plains Pool in Elland is also really warm and they do parent and baby sessions a couple of times a week where you can book a slot. You can also book a private slot if you want to go with family members for example
@Sami You'd have to pay me to get in Brighouse pool again, it's absolutely freezing 😂
Can't recommend any lessons as I've not tried them but I can recommend Bowling Pool in Bradford for taking little ones. It's a disability pool, a public pool which always has a temperature above 32°C. They have family swims and also run a toddler splash session 9.15 to 10.30 on a Wednesday, that only costs £3.30 to attend.