Ways to get my baby out? 😂

I’m currently 40+5 I’ve had 2 stretch and sweeps and I’m 2 cms dilated, the midwives have said my body is ready but this baby is stubborn and isn’t coming out! I am due to be induced on Tuesday if she doesn’t come naturally but I’m trying everything, give me any tips 😩🙏🏼 I really don’t want to be induced!
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Acupuncture. Also, mine came at 40+9, and all went fine. So a little longer isn't bad or unusual

Apparently sex with ejaculation in the vagina (sorry to be so graphic) can help. That was one I didn’t know about until I was overdue. I ended up being induced at 41+3. It wasn’t so bad! I had a beautiful vaginal water birth with no pain relief

An episode of greys anatomy mentioned of the woman gets turned on and has orgasm that’s meant to help but it could just be a tv show 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝

@Michelle my obgyn told me to go f my man and the man was so shocked and scared to do it lol 🤣🤣 it's apparently a very true tried and tested solution.

Like Bex said, sex with ejaculation and having an orgasm yourself. Both of my labours started within 12 hours of sex 😂

Induction is YOUR choice. If you feel baby is fine and will come when they are ready and you don’t have serious health problems. Don’t get induced. I was in the same boat but had GD. Refused 3 booked in inductions and Bub came closer to 42 weeks when he wanted to. (Also had two stretch and sweeps which were worse than labour pains) so I feel for you going through that they are so violating!!! 😂

@Kirilee 40+9? Wouldn't that be 41+2?

@Jessica yes, but some people get confused i find, so i just say 40+9 lol 😆

I had a lovely induction massage. Was nice and relaxing.

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