Can anyone recommend something for inflamed palate and gums ? My daughter is 3,5 years old.we went to the dentist My daughter didn’t let the dentist check her mouth properly because she was scared and refusing to open her mouth again. Dentist recommended mouth wash but she doesn’t like the taste and spits it out immediately and tried to swallow it out of panic of the taste. My daughter is also on the autism pathway. ? My daughter is 3,5 years ol. we went to the dentist My daughter didn’t let the dentist check her mouth properly because she was scared and refusing to open her mouth again. Dentist recommended mouth wash but she doesn’t like the taste and spits it out immediately and tried to swallow it out of panic of the taste. My daughter is also on the autism pathway.
i’d say clove oil because it’s anti inflammatory but she might not like the taste so try the ashton and parson teething powder not the gel x