She never really spoke to me until I got pregnant and now she's just grating on me like cheese😂 like 2 minutes after i posted this, there's a post on Facebook of her🤯
This would drive me absolutely mad! I'm even fuming reading this 😅🫣 You definitely need to set boundaries and be really clear with your partner about how uncomfortable she's making you, but I would also call her out immediately when she says it, like when she calls her "my baby", I'd correct her and say it's her grandchild and not her baby. I'd tell her to straight up stop saying she your baby loves her nanny more. I'm not too strict with pictures of my baby on social media, but my family has a habit of just asking first if they put a post up our baby and usually I'm fine with that xx
I tried having a conversation with her after I wrote this as I could hear her saying more things which was just adding to my rage. But she's adamant it's her baby like it's driving me crazy. She took the baby from me when I was holding her and I'm like no? And she's like but she wants nanny I'm like she's perfectly happy here lo and behold she starts crying when with her nanny🙄I have no issue with photos being posted but its constant with the captions every day x
When i send pictures of my boy into my partners family group chat my MIL always says ‘he looks like me today’ ‘He has my cheeks’ ‘My eyes’ like ermmmm no did you have sex with me to create this baby?!😂 My boy has my blue eyes and she has brown how does that even make sense… She also calls him ‘My boy’ on zoom calls and i always correct her like nooooooo he’s my boy and your grandchild. Glad im not the only one going through this it drives me insaneeee
Honestly don't get me started on the looks, my girl is the spit of me and she says the same as your MIL
@Shannon omg this would drive me nuts
My mother is the complete opposite to all this though, what is wrong with MILS😂😂😂
I would go absolutely mad. And I would respectfully tell her where to go 🙂 no one is calling my child "my baby" apart from me and my hubby, period! I went through the hardest/darkest period of my life when I had her and it took me a lot to make it through so, no thank you! I think you should draw your boundaries firmly and explicitly show her that it's YOUR baby, not hers. Not to mention that a child is not some sort of toy to be shown off!!
@Abi my MIL does this too, she holds him and tries to make eye contact with people to spark up a conversation, it pisses me off sometimes but she’s also great 99% of the time so I bite my tongue 😂😂😂
My MIL literally parades my baby when we’re out like just walks off with him and it really annoys me. I do think it’s harder to tolerate MIL behaviour if you have a challenging relationship (not sure if that’s your case?) At the end of the day you have to set boundaries so you feel comfortable with any interactions someone has with your baby! Tbh this is a reason I put my boy in the sling a lot so people don’t just take him off me.