At the end it turned out that the baby kitchen was quiet a good solution, as I verified their quality and he started in fact eating a lot more. Still not as much as other children, but he's now in fact eating 3-4 times per day and started gaining weight, slowly, but it's still a step ahead. I'm back home after the holidays, so am cooking again all his food and he still eats. Mainly I give him yhe food as he's still throwing everything on the floor, but the most important is he eats. 🙏
7 months is still so early in their weaning journey. We started just after 6 months then stopped for a whole month due to an unrelated sickness, and didn’t really start trying again til 7.5 months and then she started to get it. Playing and mushing the food is important exploration, and they’ll get there! Just keep offering at their pace :)
Hello mami, I had the same problem with my little boy, who is now 13 months old and only last month started truly eat and it happened whilst on a vacation in my country and his grandma (my mom) ordered for him some "meals" from a professional baby kitchen. She practically didn't want me to cook all the time whilst "on vacation" because she knows I cook and clean all the time whilst at home. I'm normally against bought food and I was preparing myself from scratch all of his food since he started AC at 6mo, even the bread I was baking for him. However, he didn't seem to have much interest at all, he wad only playinh and not even so, more so smashing the food and throwing it on the floow, as I was doing BLW as well and was hardly eating anything. But then he stopped putting on weight at around 9 months, so until 12 months I got really scared that he's not gaining weight and I was ready to do anything for him to eat, as I was desperate at that point (of course "anything" within the healthy limits).