Contact napper

My girl is 12 weeks (3 months on the 18th) and she is a big contact napper, in the day she will only nap on me, she won’t settle in anything, even the car and pushchair once she gets overtired! Is anyone else experiencing this and is it just a phase she’s going through? 🥴😂 I love the cuddles but 🙄😂
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I’m exactly the same. My little one is 15 weeks. I would rather she nap well so I just let her stay on me, but any tips or help would be much appreciated x

my 3 month is the same, she will nap if i’m next to her in bed, like im doing now, or contact napping on me, second i put her down 5-20 mins she’s awake and will cry there is no calming her unless i pick her up, currently working on her wake windows and getting her into a routine now she’s 3 months and hoping once this is in place with set mornings, naps and bedtime i can start to get her off contact naps🤞🏼 she will settle in her car seat only as she likes movement to fall asleep, but when shes overtired she is a nightmareee

@Jess I’m the same, I let her nap on me as it will be a decent nap because she is brutal when overtired 😂😂 x

@Abi mines the same when I put her down, it’s like she really panics 😂 I’ve currently been going by wake windows as id like to start a routine soon with naps etc. also yes the overtiredness is brutal isn’t it😂 so glad I’m not alone lol x

@Charlene defo not in a matter of minutes she’s screaming the house down 😣😣, only issue is mine likes to be held and have movement so second she’s start to wake up a little i gotta get up and start moving i can’t just relax and let her fall asleep on me 😅

@Charlene how long does yurs nap for during day and how long is his wake windows

@Abi yes mines the same with movement 😭 she loves her bum being tapped, I can get her to settle if I sit down though but just have to make sure she feels like she’s being rocked 😂 it’s easier to settle her before she gets too tired too. Wake windows I tend to do like 60-90 mins now x

@Abi and napping varies from 30 mins to 2 hours lol

@Charlene can i meaaage you xx

@Abi yes of course xx

@Charlene my little girl is exactly the same, she will nap for hours on me in the day, but as soon as i put her down she’s wide awake, however she does sleep well in her next to me on the night. Also we have birthday twins, my little girl is also 3 months on 18th x

@Carol yes my girl is the same in the night in her next to me too, when she wakes for a feed she’s straight back down; I don’t have to comfort her but in the day a whole different story 😂😂 oh wow amazing! Xx

@Carol mines the exact sameee x

@Charlene @Abi currently on contact nap 3 of the day as we speak 😂 but i wouldn’t change it for the world. @Charlene also looking at your profile we have the same name for our little girls, same name and birthday! How crazy!

@Carol she’s on her second nap and got her in her bouncer atm xx

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It sounds like we all have similar little ones! She’s absolutely fine to settle post night feed but yet in the day not a chance! I’m on nap 2 post feed, after a first 2 hour nap this morning! Will they just grow out of this do you all think?! x

@Jess god knows i’m hoping so, my one naps during the day and she always wakes up after 30-40 mins

literally same as you, also 3 months on the 18th! all naps are either on me or in his carrier. sadly for me night times are a mare too 🥲 barely sleeps in his next to me and i occasionally have to resort to co-sleeping. whilst i love the cuddles, i just want him to sleep in his bed hahaha x

Another mum of a lil girl born on the 18th October 2024 over here 🙋🏼‍♀️

@Abi I hope so too! After I wrote that last message, she woke up shortly after and hasn’t really napped properly since 🤦‍♀️

My girl was the exact same when first born, I started baby wearing so she could still nap on me whilst I can still get things done & then I just tried to make sure she was fully fed and changed before attempting to put her down with some lullaby music and after a couple times she learned to self soothe. Hopefully this gets better for you mama, and birthday twins here as well xx

Aww my baby girl was born same day. Does she sleep the night?? My girl is fussy through the day but swaddled she’ll sleep all night x

My boy is the same, will be completely out of it on you then within 5 minutes of putting him down he's fully awake. But will sleep for hours in his buggy if we're out and sleeps in the car perfectly fine....

@Ellie aww birthday twins! And no she doesn’t sleep through, she goes down between 8-9 then wakes between 8-9 in the morning so she does like 12 hours but feeds 2-3 times inbetween. I tried swaddling when she was younger she didn’t like it and got stressed as she likes spreading her arms out lol, she has sleeping bags instead 😂 x

@Melissa awww same as my girl, she knows as soon as she isn’t in my arms 😂 see she got to the point she won’t even sleep in her pushchair (the carry cot part) she just lays awake, makes her self overtired then won’t settle. She can be the same in the car, I’ve had her in hysterics in the car a few times, but recently she has nodded off in the car so fingers crossed that stays! I honestly think once she gets overtired she just struggles to settle anywhere other than my arms so then she gets stressed x

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