Yes, I can afford it but I can’t if that makes any sense. My husband and I own a business which we started just over a year ago and it can’t afford me taking 12 months off. With my first I was off for 1.5-2 years but if we want the business to continue to grow then I just don’t have the luxury this time round. All our work is online so I’m going to see how it goes. Main worries are feeding as my first BF for over 3 years and the exhaustion. Xx
I’m returning after 6 months and then my partner is taking 6 months (shared maternity leave), I’m the higher earner plus I had the full 12 with my first and wanted partner to experience some of it. I’ll be going back 3 days hybrid till she’s 1. Neither of our employers would allow us to look after a child at the same time as working, nor do I think it’s possible. But it’ll be nice to be around still whilst working from home, but partner will ultimately be responsible looking after her.
I’m wondering if my work will allow me to look after the baby and work at the same time too. But I probably will have to be redeployed into another role and I won’t be able to do current role whilst looking after bubba. Probably will be looking into returning after 5/6 months too.
I’m returning after 9 months as I work from home. I can’t afford to take 3 more months with no pay.