It’s quite a niche name, I work insanely closely with this student (I teach 5 students of which she is one), will have taught her for her entire education, seen her every day for 4 years, I am her mother’s boss, it will seem like I’ve named my child after her. Also, the bigger thing for me is this child now feels to me like this name. I only know one child with this name and she now embodies this name. I don’t want to pick up my baby and call her this name and just feel like she’s an imposter or that my baby doesn’t feel like the real version of this name does that make sense? It’s hard because there’s not many parallels with this situation because most teachers hand a student after a year but these kids become like our little base family (like I said, only 5 students) and I don’t want to feel weird about my child not being the child I associate with that name if that makes sense?
There’s nothing wrong with you continuing to use this name, you can explain that you’ve had it picked for years and for a good reason (though you don’t need to justify) but if you feel like it won’t feel right to you anymore, then don’t do it. There’s no right or wrong answer here, it’s all about how you feel about it ❤️
I had a similiar experience with a pupil that had a name that had been on our list for a long time. I personally don't think I'll be able to see this solely as our child's name, so we've decided not to use it x
If you no longer feel it’s right. Then don’t use it. Maybe middle name instead? So you get the nod to the wedding reading still…
how is that awkward? people don't own names. There are plenty of people named John and no one complains