I am living with my father right now and my partner is working and living in his own apt. I don’t know if we will live together again at this point. We shall see. I found myself trying to do the same and felt the same way. I decided to stop working and just focusing on my mental health as it was to a point where I wasn’t able to work full time anyways. I got pregnant last June and due in March. I have the ability to stay at home with this baby too so I am gonna do that. My then 5 year old will start school in the fall. I want to spend the first 2 years with new little boy and then work again or go back to school for a year or two. I am on assistance like food stamps to help us out and my kids and I have Medicaid insurance. It works for me and my family. I felt like I was always doing things half assed even when trying my best while I was trying to juggle work/kids/home. It really caused a lot of mental health issues for me. I am now off all mental health meds and feeling wonderful.
I know it may not be an option to not work but maybe you could consider doing something else for a bit while the kids are little? Where you’re only working part time? I don’t really have much to add but I hope you can figure out something where you feel youre having time to the kid, husband and home and self too.
Is it possible to put the kids in daycare? It will cost a lot for the first few years, but at least it will take some of the burden away. You will also have mom guilt for a while, but it will get better.
You are doing a great job in a very difficult situation. Basically doing 2 jobs at once. Your husband has to step up and take over some home responsibilities. From my experience, my husband said he didn't want to help because "I do too much" and he can't replicate the tasks and the kids would be upset it's different than how I do things. It took some time but I let go of routines and expectations (feel less stress about food getting on the floor, him not cleaning as thoroughly, and kids not eating as healthy when he cooks.) I simply assigned us shifts and he can handle it however he likes and I basically do not interfere at all at that time. He's gotten more confident doing tasks and it freed me up. However this life is constantly changing, Now his work is more stressful and he's reverted back to not doing any home responsibilities. I hope you can talk to your husband and he's more supportive!
Tbh firstly u doing more than u can handle! U need to take it easy before u get burn out. Ur husband not helping much with that attitude of his! U need to set boundaries at work and also home too- I feel u both need to work together to have that balance!