
Hi! Is anyone else’s one year old have their bigger teeth coming in? Mine has 8 out now but now I think the back ones are coming in. All of a sudden he’s having a really hard time falling asleep and staying asleep at night. Last night he woke up at 10 and I couldn’t get him back down until midnight 😭😭😭 I think it’s his teeth he doesn’t let you touch his gums but if you do you feel a big hard bump. He’s killing me with these bad nights and work 😭❤️🙏🏼
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I think the one year old molars are coming in. He’s constantly drooling

Baby Motrin! Game Changer My daughter did the exact same thing.. wake for two hours. I could barely function.. I was so tired! We gave her dosage, she went back to sleep. No problem

My LO canine ( sharp ones) are coming in, I’ve had a rough few weeks too😖 idk if it’s even normal at 14 weeks for all those teeth 😕

Going through similar over here! Mine has so many teeth coming in and it goes from sleeping fine to literally what you described and the lack of sleep😭and work and a toddler on top of it…GIRL

@Yazmeen Omg this is literally me! Three year old girl. I work full time. And this guy with all his bottom back teeth coming in 😭 he woke up 4 times last night 😭😭😭😭 and now I feel like I’m coming down with a cold

My 14mo has her molars halfway out and is back to waking up every two hours and wanting to nurse each time. I’m so so so tired. There’s not enough coffee for this.

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