Cute words your LO says to refer to something.

Last night my son was play with his ocean animal book and said "mama, apple-pus"
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my daughter says “b” for her “f”.. favorite movie is finding nemo she laughs & says “silly bitch” 😂😂

@Amani we're watching finding dory for our sick day movie today. All I'm hearing is "mama, mama a apple-pus." "Oh no apple-pus" "mama, the apple-pus is gone" Also not going to lie, I'm loving the fact he's calling me mama again.

Memote instead of remote lol

Haka-popo for helicopter, mamode for remote, see-soo for see you soon and ah-cawse for of course. 🤣

Coo coo for thank you

“Doo doo” Thankyou “Babarge” Mickey Mouse (don’t ask why) “Shit” sit so all I get is “mama shit” “Gwogwat” chocolate “Korga” kora (his sister) “Bigbits” biscuit

Puh-pool for puddle thanks to peppa pig 😆 and “lello peppa” for yellow pepper. It’s too cute ☺️

Kee-pa = pizza Hut hut egg = football

@Cinthia hut hut egg is so cute! I just get FOOBALL!!!! GRRRRRR!!!!

so strange but my son has to watch harry potter atleast twice a day without fail. dobby is “aw baby” and harry is “shin” lol no idea why he thinks they sound alike

@Cinthia that is awesome

Balloon: bal-loo-loon Banana: ban-na-na-nana

goldpish for Goldfish

Tantakes: pancakes

@tori-leigh my son has never seen Harry Potter, but all of a sudden has started calling his friend "muggle". We were at soccer and saying their name and when it was his friend's turn my son pointed at him and said "a muggle"! He's been doing it at daycare too.

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