
Did you baby need a helmet ? Did you get it or did you not ? I went to do the consultation and they recommended it but then insurance doesn’t cover it and idk how expensive it is but idk if anyone decided not to go with helmet and se did it corrected on its own . My baby favors his right side and it’s flat on that side but we do tummy time he sits in his rocker and in the bumble seat . Hes 5 months old
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These are his results I can’t remeber if it was moderate or mild


My nephew had one! My sister only had him wear it part time because she was worried he didn’t like it and it was summer and stuff. It helped some but she wishes made him wear it like recommended because he still had a big flat spot. I think she had to pay like 500$ for it

My first born had one and his head shape looked a lot like your babies. Tbh his PT said it would most likely not correct on its own when it came to the forehead and ear symmetry, in the long run would really only affect him if he played sports requiring a helmet. Ours PT had to place a special request in to our insurance company for coverage because his CI and CVA were almost in the red, and he had to be in therapy for a certain amount of time per insurance to be covered fully.

@Jessica so I should call them and ask About the insurance bc I rlly want the helment for him it’s making me overthink

My girl had a big flat spot on her head (backside right) up to around 4-5m then her head got bigger and now it’s not really noticeable. I wanted to get the helmet initially but was told it would be on the cheap end $2000 so I didn’t get it as that just was not an affordable option. She’s still got a flat spot near the right side back on the bottom but it’s not noticeable unless you’re looking for it.

We are in the same boat . Going to get her helmet . I believe you can do a payment plan at most places without interest I would ask that as well .

Hope you can figure this out! But as a side note, you maybe should consider blurring out your son’s name and DOB when posting on a public forum. Not everyone has the best of intentions unfortunately

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