Bloody show
I had a sweep yesterday morning and I’ve just lost lots of mucus stained with blood. I’ve been spotting (mainly dark brown) since my sweep but this has all just come out. Not really got much cramping or anything though. How long after your show did you go into labour?
I had my bloody show the morning of when I went into labour (but I had an unplanned induction after a ctg appt and they popped my waters accidentally during this which sped everything up!). Some people can take a few days. I would just keep an eye on any tightening pains and if you get them 5 mins apart, lasting 1 minute each for at least 1 hour then call as you’re then in established/active labour 💛 Or if you begin to leak any waters / if they break as you’ll have to deliver if not naturally done within 24 hours of breaking for risk of infection x