I've finished washing baby's bits for getting hospital bag ready, but still got the rest of their newborn/up to 1 month clothes to wash. We got baby's wardrobe up today so I'm looking forward to filling some of the draws etc.. soon!☺️
@Natalya Hope it all goes smoothly for you! ❤️ We definitely still have time. I’m starting to get to the anxious stage so couldn’t wait any longer to get everything sorted. I can’t relax if things aren’t ready to go 😅 xx
@Hannah I just did a massive load of all baby’s bits including 0-3m as my first was in 0-3 quite quickly. I’ve put all the clothes in labelled organised sandwich bags so hubby knows what’s what and then been filling up the drawers with them this afternoon ❤️ It’s wonderful once it’s all done and it does make you feel excited and at ease for baby’s arrival ❤️ xx
I’ve just been through all her brothers clothes and have a bin bag full of cute unisex bits that I need to re-wash ❤️ I’ve washed the odd baby grow of hers that I’ve bought that will go in hospital bag but might take one of her brothers too. I’ve started buying bits for my hospital bag too and have put it all together ☺️ getting there. This is my fave part of pregnancy, getting everything organised x
@Christie Aww, two boys over here so everything is coming back out again! ❤️ I think I’ll start packing the bag over the next few days so it’s done. I like it when everything is organised as beforehand I get anxious if it’s not done! Want to be able to concentrate on relaxing and enjoying time with my eldest before little baby makes his arrival so trying to get it done now ❤️ Xxx
@Becki Oh nooo, sorry! I know how it feels being anxious, that’s why I’ve done it quite early as I feel like I can’t relax otherwise! I was still doing quite a lot of stuff up until the wire for baby #1 as you have SO much to buy, do and set up. It’s quicker this time around as I’m just bringing back out the stuff again ❤️ Hopefully you’re not too stressed out by it all and it will all come together soon 🤞🏻 xx
Baby prep hasn’t even started for us😂 she’s got nothing yet other than 3 sleepsuits we’re in the middle of moving house so we’ll be buying everything in February