It’s easier to prettify the truth to show off than being honest and admitting to your shortcomings. Don’t worry about what people say, don’t let anyone put pressure on you. You and your baby are unique and everything will happen just the way it’s right for you ❤️
You aren’t doing anything wrong each baby is different x
@Lauren well said. My LO isn’t crawling yet and is up a few times throughout the night. One bottle a day? Incog..Sounds like you have a happy, healthy baby so not a bad mum at all x
My youngest only just started sitting up!!! Also to me its pretty scary their baby is on 1 bottle seen as milk is their main source of nutrition until they turn 1!!! Xxx
Definitely not a bad mum and comparison is a thief of a joy ! I’m sure as an adults we all don’t have similar skills or talent. Also sleeping things will get better, we just have to guide them little bit.
1 bottle of milk for a baby that's barely 8 months old?! Insane! My girl is 7.5 months and still has 5 bottles a day, alongside 2 meals
You’re not a bad mum at all and you’re not doing anything wrong! All babies reach their milestones at different times. That’s why there’s usually a window of 2-3 months for each milestone. I think you’ll find the majority of babies in this group aren’t crawling yet, only a small percentage are sleeping through the night, most are still waking for a feed at least once but quite a lot more will be feeding several times. If anything they should be having a lot more than one bottle a day at this age, milk should be their main source of nutrition until 1. If your baby is a premie, then I believe you should be going by their corrected age for milestones. I’m not a premie mum so I might be wrong there, but either way, you’re doing a fab job! It’s really hard to not compare with other babies around the same age, but they are ALL different! X