Gives me hope 🥰
I didn’t test any earlier this pregnancy but my BFP was at 19dpo. One of my biggest symptoms was sore boobs though and I never have them before AF. I finally tested when the smell of fries made me want to puke!
Do you know for sure when you actually ovulated? The internet insists implantation happens at 6-12DPO so you should be able to get a positive by 15 DPO but if you re just going by your app’s estimate you may have actually ovulated a bit later (or a lot later)
I had these symptoms for 2 months when we were trying, then my period came! I was convinced I was pregnant!
Did you do a test ? Xx
I haven't tested again yet. I'm waiting until Friday morning. I've been reading to wait a week from a missed period for the most accurate results. AF was due 1/10 I confirmed my peak was 12/26 By testing. So Ovulation was either 12/27 or 12/28. My cycles are between 30-32 days. Im now 4 days late, boobs were super sore yesterday (woke me out of my sleep) and today have calmed down but I definitely have frequent urination driving me nuts.
I tested negative 16 dpo, I had sore boobs and no period which is unusual for me. I waited a few more days and tested again with an early clear blue test and it came back positive. Fingers crossed for you