Period after MMC

I had a MMC and miscarried 3weeks 4 days ago, the last couple days I’ve had some weird spotting and today it looks like my period has arrived. It’s unusual for me to have spotting and to have such a short cycle. Is it normal to have a period 3 weeks after a miscarriage? I’m worried about retained tissue (shouldn’t have googled my symptoms!!) has anyone else had this?
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I had mmc and 3 weeks 3 days later I got a period, I had brown spotting for 2 days (I never usually spot) and then in turned to a period, it was a pretty heavy period but now I’m doing all better!

Have you had a negative test? Your hormones can be a bit all over the place so your cycle can be a bit irregular.

Also you can take a pregnancy test after your period ends. For me I was still getting a very faint even the day before my period started. It’s finally negative after my period has ended.

I tested negative on the 5th Jan, 6 days ago. It seems really light at the moment, more like heavy brown discharge and seems to have stopped this evening. I’m not sure what’s going on!!! I feel all over the place, I’d rather it just happen and then be over with so I can move onto my next cycle😩

If you’ve had a negative test then any pregnancy tissue should be gone. Maybe give it a couple more days and see if you have a normal period and if not then contact your GP or the EPU and see if you can have a scan.

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