Have you had a negative test? Your hormones can be a bit all over the place so your cycle can be a bit irregular.
Also you can take a pregnancy test after your period ends. For me I was still getting a very faint even the day before my period started. It’s finally negative after my period has ended.
I tested negative on the 5th Jan, 6 days ago. It seems really light at the moment, more like heavy brown discharge and seems to have stopped this evening. I’m not sure what’s going on!!! I feel all over the place, I’d rather it just happen and then be over with so I can move onto my next cycle😩
If you’ve had a negative test then any pregnancy tissue should be gone. Maybe give it a couple more days and see if you have a normal period and if not then contact your GP or the EPU and see if you can have a scan.
I had mmc and 3 weeks 3 days later I got a period, I had brown spotting for 2 days (I never usually spot) and then in turned to a period, it was a pretty heavy period but now I’m doing all better!