We don't have a routine during the day yet but I do record his feeds and naps so I can see a pattern, at night time without trying he has his last feed around 11 and it's bedtime for both of us and he wakes again around the same time in the middle of the night and early morning and sleeps well in between as I think he has at least established it's night time! I don't think we will introduce a proper routine during the day until he's nearer the 3 month mark tbh unless he does it on his own 😂
It’s probably too early for routine (and it all changes so quickly even if you find one!) but never too early to start creating healthy habits xx
No but he has his own routine he feeds every 3 hours in day 4 hours at night. He wakes to feed chills for bit after then falls asleep. He’s usually awake more in the evening once big brother is asleep probably cause he has all my attention and I have a lot more time to just sit and cuddle/interact with him. My first born kinda fell into his own routine we’ve never had to force any apart from when he started pre school. I just follow hunger and sleep cues.
I'd say we have a routine She goes to sleep about 7/8pm, wakes up for a feed better 1am and 2am then sleeps till 7/8am. She's 6 weeks on Monday
We’re following the blissful baby expert routine. The naps aren’t 100% but I do stick to wake windows no longer than 2hrs so it’s not miles off. Struggling with the night feed at the minute as it should be a smaller one but baby’s having a full feed so might affect how quickly we can drop that eventually. Other than that it’s great (more so for me than baby but she’s very content with it! ☺️)
We don’t really have a daytime routine, baby is breastfed on demand. But I’m a single mum and have 2 other little ones (just turned 4 and nearly 2) so baby has followed their bedtime routine since birth pretty much, I think it has helped her with not mixing her day and nights, so only tends to wake once for a feed in the night now. She’s just turned 6 weeks old x
I don't think i introduced a routine with my previous babies until around 6 months when they went into their own rooms. Right now we just go with babies flow, she's a weeks old and settling into her own routine a bit x
We’ve been recording naps and feeds for the last 3 weeks, my husband put the info through chatGPT to summarise what patterns there are and how it’s changed over the weeks. He then asked it to recommend a loose routine based on what our baby is doing now, and what we need to do to increase sleep stretches overnight. It’s pretty cool actually!
Not yet as I think it’s way too early for routines in the day. I know mine always have one big nap around 12pm but he set that routine himself! Otherwise we just follow a very basic and loose bedtime routine with him and it seems to work well! If I put him down in his cot during the day he has none of it but during the night after our routine he goes straight to sleep