Second pregnancy completely different

Just wondering if this is anyone else’s second pregnancy and if it’s completely different to their first? With my son I was constantly nauseous, random sickness, bleeding every week up to 14 weeks, always tired. So far I’m 10+3 and barely any symptoms no nausea, no spotting or bleeding to be honest probably wouldn’t know if I didn’t do a test, it does make me feel a little worried something is wrong
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I’m the same, I felt super sick with my first but this time apart from being hungry more I haven’t really noticed any symptoms. I’m not sure if it’s just cause I’m too busy chasing a toddler to notice tho 😅

My second was SO different to my first. First was a breeze, second was horrific. Now my 3rd is the same as my first thank god!

This is my second baby and with my first I had zero symptoms and with this pregnancy I have all the symptoms neausea etc

I was the same first time, no symptoms. It didn't feel real until the first appointment. All was fine.

Yeah totally different, was very sick in my last pregnancy no sickness this time, boobs are so sore this time and were not last time. I have however had spotting in both pregnancies… this one making me worried even tough all scans are showing all is good with the baby

Second as well and only sick here and there, just carrying on as normal whereas my first was sick till 35 weeks and couldn’t keep anything down at all. So far touchwood it’s been a breeze compared

Yea very different! First one was easier for me. This second one I have sickness and tiredness that hit me really badly! I can sleep standing up!

I could’ve written this myself. The anxiety it’s causing is insane. I had a reassurance scan at 6+5 and everything was fine; but damn I’m still so anxious that somethings wrong 😖🥺

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