You’ve already received great recommendations from Maddi. My baby boy is much bigger now, but I remember going through a similar experience. It was exhausting and overwhelming—I felt drained and helpless because nothing seemed to work despite my best efforts. First, I want to say: hang in there. With patience and affection, you will get through this. Second, when it comes to silent reflux in babies, trial and error is often the best approach. It’s important to try different options and see what works best for your little one. You could try Carobelor other milk thickeners. For pain relief, I alternated between Infacol, Espumisan, and Colidep. I also heard from many mothers that Colief helped, even without signs of lactose intolerance. Doctors also rely on trial and error, but keeping a detailed record of every symptom and reaction can really help them tailor the right treatment. They have the experience to adjust the medication plan effectively.
I know this might not be the exact answer you’re looking for, but I wanted to reassure you that you’re doing an amazing job—researching, trying different things, and keeping her close. Have faith that it will get better. Babies are stronger than we realize, and they’ll show us what works and what doesn’t. Also, skin-to-skin contact can be very comforting and effective. Sending you a big hug and wishing you all the best!
Infant gaviscon and sleeping on belly in his next to me on incline saved us
I haven’t got any good advice, but I just wanted to say infacol can actually sometimes make reflux worse. I’d do research on it yourself because honestly I’m bad at explaining things 😅 I think my son had reflux when he was small, but I thought it was trapped wind and used infacol. It made it ten times worse. I hope it gets better for you soon! ❤️
I second Levi’s comment. My LO is now 4 months old but has been suffering with silent reflux from day one. Infant gaviscon has been a life saver for us! It took us about 2.5 months to find something that helped! Initially we were using Infacol but this made it soo much worse and my LO started projectile vomiting and wouldn’t feed. All I can advise is try a variety of things and hang in there. It’s horrible to see your LO in distress but you will figure it out and she will get better. You’re doing great!
I fed baby with her slightly more up and fed on her left so my right arm, burped when she let me know, keep upright for 30mins after food then lying on her belly on me while I'm sitting up for a bit longer before lying her down. She's on baby gaviscon sachets in her milk and a hypoallergenic baby milk which are also both lifesavers
Thanks all!! Will take all this onboard and make some decisions ❤️
My LO had silent reflux and changing to the thicker milk was a lifesaver. We also kept him upright for at least half an hour after feeds and also tilted his crib. He is now 4 months old and we have started to wean him (due to his reflux). He now has normal formula, sleeps in his cot flat and seems to have grown out of it. Hang in there as it is awful but I would really recommend trying an anti reflux milk (he had aptamil). You will have to up the teat size as it is so much thicker x