My baby does the exact same thing! Nothing has helped really apart from a warm bath and skin on skin so he feels more relaxed. It’s awful seeing them in pain and not being able to do anything.
My HV told me that babies with tongue tie tends to swallow more air with feeding and therefore have a much higher chance of having trapped wind. We’ve tried both gripe water and infacol to help and I personally found that for my LO the combination of the two before a feed really got his stomach going (in a good way) all that trapped wind started releasing as toots and he was a lot easier to burp however I do believe it is trial and error with babies as no two are exactly alike x
This is totally normal for newborns 😔 it’s not nice to see them in discomfort, but I’m sure you’re doing everything you can to help. They’re bodies will get used to it soon. My son is a really good burper but constantly gulps, swallows and grunts all night. Don’t hear a peep out of him in the day x
This sounds all totally normal. Its horrible to see but they do eventually grow out of it and it very quickly becomes a thing of the past xx
She's probably experiencing grunting baby syndrome, also known as infant dyschezia, is a common condition in newborns and infants where they grunt, strain, and appear to have difficulty passing a bowel movement.
My little one has been doing this a lot too . My health visitor and midwife just said it’s them getting use to there tummies . Dealing with gas and learning to poo. But it can be very unsettling and worrying . I’ve been trying few things to ease it . Tummy massage and warm baths