Toddler behaviour different with me

Anyone else’s toddler behave differently to you than with anyone else? My little girl is in full on toddler mode and kicks off at the slightest thing. Changing nappies, cleaning teeth, bath time, getting her in the car, high chair time, wrong toy in the wrong place etc. With her dad (we’re separated) she is the most chilled out ever, never kicks off (apparently) and let’s him do all of the above without any fuss. I’ve read somewhere that we are their safe place so they behave differently with us but is this really the case? It’s so hard!! Sometimes I just avoid taking her certain places because there’s just constant tantrums and it’s exhausting. Help 🙈🙈🙈
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You’re 1000000% her safe place!! I really struggled with this and I had therapy (different reason) and they explained that they act out with the person they feel safe to do with, my baby can come home from nursery and KICK OFF but it’s like he’s coming home from a days work and needs to vent! I also fear taking my son out certain places in fear of a tantrum OR a poo because nappy times are not fun 😂

I’m in the exact same boat the last 2 weeks! I literally had a breakdown over this earlier, feeling like everyone gets the best version of them and then you get the hardest version and it’s so hard not to be disheartened and actually feel like they don’t even like you! Have to keep telling myself it’s only for a short time and try and get through it. Definitely doesn’t make it any easier. But you’re not alone with it! Xo

Yep exactly the same with me! Fine with dad and nana everything is an issue with me

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