Definitely i had awful pgp and the belts are amazing. I got one through a physio on the nhs or you can get them off amazon. The nhs one was more effective but bulkier. I used to use the nhs one at home and amazon one at work
@Alice @Roxanne did they ever hurt when you wore them. I’ve put mine on for about 10 mins and got pain in my ribs and above my hips??
Hmm no i dont think so. If you have a midwife appointment soon you could take it and ask them if you’re wearing it right?
I had one because of PGP/SPD in my first pregnancy (given to me by physio at the hospital) and it was absolutely rubbish it done nothing I didn’t bother with it in the end
@Megan it could be the wrong size
Honestly I had SPD in my second and a maternity belt save me from so much pain