@Ellie-May I have the breville one cup so it dispenses 250ml of hot water in under 30 seconds, I usually put it into the bottle and wait 5 mins or so for the steam to disappear, add the formula, shake it up, release the air then put it in a jug of cold water under the cold tap until at desired temperature but I’m just winging it, first time mum here not even sure if I should be doing that 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
@incog Oh yeah, that makes sense? I don’t think that would be an issue xx
@Ellie-May my baby was ebf for the first 3 months but then i introduced formula, bf was never planned at all but I don’t want to be stuck with a 2 year old on my boob so getting her off now while I can but still giving her bm in bottles. Just haven’t a clue if it’s right or not lol x
Nuby rapid cool
It’s a life saver gets it to temperature in seconds
@Nicole it’s great for making bottles on the go and bottles that are needed there and then but 95% of the time I pre make my bottles either at night when she’s in bed or in the morning and I make enough for the day, I just don’t get why the wait for the 30 mins
@Nicole I don’t really know much about the nuby rapid cool but I know what it does but do you have to sterilise it etc?
We make them with every bottle just pour kettle water in the bottle then into the Nuby and shake it then pour it back in and add your powder it’s as easy as making them on the go
And you have to wait the 30 minutes so it’s not boiling hot for them cause when you wait it gets to the right temp to kill off the bacteria in the formula
You just put the water in not the pre-made formula you can sterlaise the flask part in a cold water steraliser but not the lid
But you don’t have to sterilise it because all you are doing is putting boiling water in it
I do! But only when he went down to one bottle a day and that’s because he has it at the same time so I know when to boil the kettle. Before that we used a prep machine. 1 litre of water in the kettle will cool to just over 70degrees in 30 mins after being boiled & that’s the temp required to kill the bacteria in the formula and not denature the ingredients. Lots of vitamins are destroyed at 75 degrees plus. It’s a real bug bare of mine when I see these people online talk about the “hot shot” method. If it was that easy the prep machine wouldn’t have been invented - it purposefully doesn’t dispense boiling water because formula is not meant to be made with boiling water xx
I follow it, after about a week you know when you baby wants feeding so boil kettle time it crack on with what am doing make bottle then leave it with lid off for a hour on side then it’s a good temp then feed baby it’s not hard it’s just sticking to routine. X
@Nicole I thought you make the bottle in the rapid cool?
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@kelly that’s fair enough but my baby doesn’t have a routine atm so trying to figure this out x
@Chelsea really really helpful to know thank you
I make my babys bottles in the evening for the following day, I boil the kettle and let it sit for 20mjns
That’s my understanding of it anyway after reading (quite a lot!!) into it. So I make my bottles fresh and when the kettle is boiling I’m usually playing with/changing my little girl so it’s left for a couple of minutes anyways so will be fine to use when I come to making it. Hope that helps! x
No don’t put the bottle with the formula in the Nuby you can but it’s not recommended because you can’t sterilise the lid and it does make it smell weirdo so just the water
Buy a Nuby rapid cool x
@Nicole so I’m confused, I’ve seen people adding the formula to the nuby then pouring to the bottle? But with all this with the temp etc is it an okay temp to add the water to the formula with it being a good temp for baby x
Yes it’s an ok temp to do that because it’s just like the same temp as when you leave it 30 minutes
Message me if you want a demonstration I’ve wrote one down for my best friend when she baby sat x
It means dont leave it longer than 30 mins as the temp will drop below than what it needs to be to kill the bacteria in the formula. So you can use the hot water from the kettle straight away but dont leave it longer than 30 mins as then it wont be hot enough
@May your meant to wait half a hour (I do between 27-30) then use the kettle never straight away it will melt the plastic in your bottles xx
@kelly you dont have to wait half an hour. Nhs website literally says ‘no more than 30 mins so it remains a temp of 70 degrees’ that means anytime from when the kettles finished boiling to 30 mins
@May fair enough I’ve always waited 27-30 mins when I’ve done 0-20 mins after boiling my bottles have had a melted plastic smell.
@kelly really?! What bottles do you use as i use mam and have never had this x
@May mam too I put powder in and swirled it and i opened it to check powder was gone and it smelt so bad so I throw bottle away and then since waited a while cx
How do you do it if you don’t wait 30 for it to cool? genuinely curious, i don’t have baby yet so never had to make a bottle x