
Just wondered what people's experiences were? Successful or not? How many did you have? Any other info / advice? Thanks :) x
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I had two sweeps unsuccessful I had to be induced xx

Uncomfortable, moved things along but not enough and needed some intervention. Don't know what they gave me but it sped everything up very quickly

Failed for me and they induced me which was more painful and ended up being a c section anyway

Sweeps are a form of induction and as with induction in general it only really works if your body is at a tipping point and needs a nudge (and if there are other factors with you and your baby other forms of induction may be needed of course like pe-eclampsia etc). There are also risks to what is coined a simple procedure. If you're not sure, avoidance and just waiting for nature to do its thing is the best option. Don't add risk where unnecessary. ☺️ I went to 42+3 for spontaneous labour and zero intervention, though hopefully you won't be that long! If you'd like some more information in general I definitely recommend the "Ten Month Mamas UK" Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1582903528590264/?ref=share I replied to another lady with the same - ultimately, at the end of the day it's your choice, but an informed one is all the more powerful. Hope this helps!

Had a sweep but seemed unsuccessful as my cervix was still really up. The midwife said it might work anyway. Lost the plug that night and baby came next day!

I had mine booked at 40+2 at 4 pm By 11pm, I was in labour, and Jenson was born 3 hours later 🙂 I was already 1cm dilated when I had my sweep and was experiencing cramps during the day

Had 3 , none worked and for me I’d never get one done again

Thank you everyone xx

Just let your body do it’s thing they come when they are ready x

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