Postpartum hair loss

I’m 3 months postpartum and have started shedding. Any tips and tricks for this or is this something I just have to ride out? What was your experience?
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No tips but it started for me about 4 months pp and I'm now 13 months pp and it got much better towards the year mark. Much more normal amount of hair loss now but just have the classic crazy mum hair from the regrowth😂 i just tried to be more gentle with my hair and hoped for the best

No tips 😭 I tried everything but nothing worked. I just had to ride it out and cry for a couple months before it stopped. Now I have awkward little bangs I never asked for 😅 The joys of motherhood. Hang in there!

The divi scalp serum helped me a ton with gaining fast regrowth! Also “Surface Awaken” shampoo is amazing with thickening. Mind started around 3ish months PP and slowed down a lot by 6-7 months. I would also recommend vitamins/balanced diet to help with any nutritional deficiencies that could contribute.

Rosemary oil has been a good send, I used it throughout my pregnancy and then for several weeks after giving birth I didn’t use it, and started noticing some loss at the front when resumed using it my hair started growing back and thicker

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