2.5 year old has a strong gag reflex & met his O.T. this week
His OT narrowed it down to low tongue mobility (could be related to his tongue tie during infancy & has been released). We still offer a bottle during nap (we're actually letting go of the nap bottle) but we're struggling with the bedtime bottle. Which is also related to the low tongue mobility. He chews his food as if it were a bottle nipple and that's where he ends up gagging then vomits at times.
the OT suggested that I offer my son more textured foods.. like toasting his bread when serving sandwiches and offering raw veggies instead of steamed/cooked.
I have a phone appointment with pediatric dietitian but that's not until 2 weeks 🤔
And I'm drawing a blank on how to serve more "textured foods". Any recommendations?? Any other mamas have a toddler with a strong gag reflex?
*textured foods will help his tongue work and move around more. Like a tongue exercise if you will.