180ml as this is how much water you put in 😊
I go off how many Oz I've made the bottle for not what's showing in their once I've made it
I go off what’s in the bottle (I do oz) so I do 6 scoops which give 7 oz. This morning she has drank 5.5oz so left 1.5oz
You would minus it from the 210ml. When recording formula, you record the total volume of water and powder once it’s made (you can Google this). If you only go by the water then your little one could drink 30ml and you’re left with 180ml in the bottle and if you subtract it from 180ml water then you’d get 0ml which isn’t true and you’d be under reporting the amount she’s drinking
I agree with @Kirsten. What they drink is the whole thing, water+powder, not just the water. If you give them the ready made bottles, you do not subtract the amount of formula powder in it. Also, that's how we were told to do it before LB was discharged from the NICU.
Always go by volume of water added so it's 180ml
When recording you should go off the volume.. as it is to do with the powder being added to water which increases the volume in the bottle. I asked my health visitor this. So in your case 210 you would record x
So if your left with 10ml youd record a 200ml feed x
Agree that it should be the volume as well. As that is the amount theyre drinking. When speaking to a paediatric dietitian, they confirmed the same x
We go by volume of water when the bottle is fully prepared and not how much water we added.
Everywhere I have read it is always on the amount of water added, so 180ml in your case
Thank you everyone, I have been majorly under recording how much she has then! lol
I would say the 180 ml