do y’all give your kids valentines gifts??

i’ve always given my kids (7yr old boy & 2yr old girl) a stuffed animal, a balloon & a little heart box of chocolates or some type of candy for valentine’s day. saw someone post they thought it was weird to give your kids stuff for valentine’s day so i thought i’d ask other people lol.
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I will be. I always (and still do) get valentines gifts from my parents

@Keona same. my mom gave me a box of chocolates every year even when i became a grown adult lol

I love that

Always my mom did it for us and even did it til she passed I give my kids my partner and sometimes myself valentines gifts

I will for my 8 year old daughter as last year she was really excited about it. My 15 year old son is unbothered.

I feel like in the UK this isn’t as much of a thing and that Valentine’s Day is more for couples.

@Lisa that’s fair i guess. i personally just view it as a holiday to celebrate anyone you love honestly. it’s one of my favorites, i try to make it as special for my kids too. i love making little goody bags for his school mates and helping him put together valentines for them as well, i guess it just brings back good memories for me as a kid and i want that for them as well.

I do, I think it's cute, just something small like chocolates and a teddy with a card. I like doing little things like that

I don’t even give my husband a gift so I won’t be giving the kids one. We all have enough ‘stuff’ in a small house. Id rather have the space and celebrate loving my family all year rather than feel forced to buy stuff by society and consumerism for a day.

No one is forcing you to buy anything 😂

@Steph that wasn’t really what the post was about. it was kind of a yes or no, not you trying to make it negative. :/

I do a card & a little chocolate

No i believe Valentines are for partners not kids. We put some heart decorations and have cake all together, but exchange gifts only with Hubby 🙂

I think different countries do it different

Card and a bar of chocolate £3 and there little happy faces is worth it ❤️

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My dad always bought us girls chocolate roses and my mom would get my brother heart shaped Reese’s UNTIL we found our spouses so we felt extra loved❤️

No but I will this year I love the thought of doing this 💕💕

Yes I love doing valentine gifts! My mom always did it growing up, even as we became adults. I make little valentine bags for my son’s daycare classmates as well. This year I’m doing bubbles and a bag of heart shaped veggie straws (they’re 3). I order my son little personalized valentines as well with his photo, they’re adorable. I’ll send them in the mail just to our immediate families. It’s also a fun day in the school where I work. Where I live in the US definitely seems like Valentine’s Day has often just been for love in general but also has that romantic component of course.

Not gifts so much as treats. I like to celebrate but I don’t like every holiday to involve gift giving

We do every year for Valentines day. I want my daughter to see how she should be treated when she's old enough to have a valentine. We buy her a balloon, chocolates and my husband buys her roses so he can say he was the first man to buy her flowers

I never did before, but my daughter is 5 now so I feel like she’ll appreciate it. My mom gave us valentines every year as a kid and I still remember it 😊

My mom always did valentines for us, so I grew up thinking of valentines as more of an all types of love day (romantic, friendship, family). So I give my kids gifts too! I want them to think of valentines the same way I do. It's my favorite holiday and I never dreaded it when single. I had friends who only knew it as a romantic love holiday so they were excluded when they didn't have a partner, and they loathed the holiday and made them feel sad that day. (Actually, it wasn't till college that I realized not everyone viewed it the way I did. So on Valentines Day, I texted our friends group chat wishing them all a Happy Valentines because they're my friends and I love them, and one guy replied super pissed off at me because I was the only one in a relationship and he thought I was doing it to be patronizing 🫠 he said it was actually singles awareness day 🙄...)

To add to my comment, it's not crazy expensive gifts. Usually I get them a small stuffed animal from Walmart (they're literally like $2 in the valentines section), a valentines book, and a candy. It all costs less than $10

Yes. I make them little baskets with some goodies 🥰

I didn't last year (my son was 4 months old) but I had bought him a Valentine's day outfit. This year I bought him a Valentine's dau sweater and was going to get him a little stuffed animal or something. My husband and I don't really do big gits, just something small, chocolates, a nice dinner and flowers, so I'm going to include him in the tradition.

Ofc! I love excuses to give my children little gifts lol. And I love pink

Whoever thinks giving ur kids something for Valentine's Day u need serious help and maybe ur parents didn't love u enough . Valentine Day, yes I get my son stuff for Valentine's Day because I love that boy and he's my best friend and we have been through a lot together while he's been alive . And even Valentine's Day Christmas Easter Halloween doesn't matter what it is. I gift my child . That little boy is my world

@Neisa might wanna reword that. Sounds like you’re saying whoever thinks giving your kids stuff on v day needs help but you switch up the last part of your comment.

Yeah, I’m extra and I think it’s cute 😂

My mum normally buys me a card and a little gift from her but also from my angel babies 💝

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My mom would get my sisters and I a small box of chocolates and we would have a nice dinner when we were younger. It stopped once we were in late middle/ early HS. My husband and I get each other cards, usually the funnier the better, and we split a box of chocolates or some other treat. Then we make a special dinner at home. This is our first year with a baby and I got him a valentine outfit and a valentine themed teething toy (he'll be about 10 months old by then)! When he's older I'd like to do the same as my parents did for me: small box of chocolates/ small treat with a funny card and a special dinner. Do whatever makes you happy! 😍

I make her a cute breakfast and give them a new book with a vday theme.

I was just thinking about this. My dad always gets me something 🩷 so thinking of getting something simple to teach my Lo about showing affection 🩷 and love to each their own

That was just a sad projecting as comment 😂 don’t you hate when people just buzz kill a post 😭😭😭😂😂😂 @ incognito

@H I just laughed at their comment. 😂😂

I will be. My parents always got me a box of chocolates and sometimes a little stuffed animal and I loved it.

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