@Rebecca thanks for sharing. How long did you monitor it for before surgery ?
Every 6 months get a test done and if it goes longer than 3 years normally they do something about it. This is my experience :)
Also the hpv v@ccine can cause more harm than good so just be careful and try and do as much unbiased research as possible
@Naomi what harm can it cause?
@Zoe ok thanks . Did it clear up on its own ? I read online it usually does
I think in most cases it does… I had a Pap test every year so they could watch it, but it eventually progressed so they removed part of my cervix. But it never came back and has been clear since. I’ve also had 2 babies since so no problems there either!
Yeah it did hun but mine took 3 years to go. During my pregnancy it cleared up. Just continue to monitor it with a gynaecologist
@Zoe good to know! I was just so shocked when I got the result and as I’ve been reading online I didn’t realise how common it is. Apparently 90% of people have it at some stage ! I’m pregnant currently so it did freak me out but apparently it’s fine and doesn’t affect pregnancy!?
Yes I had it, very common. From my understanding there are usually no symptoms associated with it, but they watch it and if it progresses they surgically remove, which I had done.