Big/hungry baby?

Does anyone else have an extremely hungry baby? My boy is 4 months old (born 6th September) and is 17lb 1oz. He was born 8lb 11oz. He drinks five 8oz bottles through the day and this is hungry baby milk and it’s starting to seem like he wants even more than this 😂 he’s a chunky little thing (picture included) but I’m worried he’s too big? Or I’m over feeding him but I don’t force him to drink it, he genuinely wants it. Anyone else’s baby massive? 🤣
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What a cutie! He doesn’t look overly chunky to me, looks like a normal chunk! Is he on formula or breastmilk? My boy was born the same weight as yours, but a few weeks behind on the 30th! I weighed him last Jan 3rd and he was 14lb 5oz. He’s breastfed with 1 bottle at night of breastmilk and that’s usually 125ml

Yup! Our little boy was born September 5th at 8.9lbs now is 17lbs and in 6-9 month clothing but we are having to upgrade to 9-12 month. He feeds every 1-2 hours for 30 minutes a day 😂 we now offer purée in between feeds

@Kristine he’s just quite long and solid I think! He’s on formula now, I tried so hard to breastfeed but didn’t have enough milk, was combi feeding for a while and just giving him what I could pump but he’s just on formula now x

Sounds just like he's a big-ish baby. Just like mine, he's breastfed and very similar on the 75th percentile. Looks like yours in tracking a little higher but not much so I wouldn't worry. If you are take him to the HV for a weigh and I'm sure they'll reassure you it's all good!! At my LOs 16week vaccination the nurse said is we want to see chunky babies 😊

I have to say I feel so so lucky to have been able to breastfed my baby and not have to check on how much he's drank. I have no idea what he has but just making sure he's growing and can feed him whenever. Even though breastfeeding is no picnic, I can imagine formula can be quite stressful too.

I've got a 20lb bub who isn't 4 months for another week and a half...he is breastfed and gets boob at any opportunity. I'm not stressing as he was born 9 2, went up a centile and has stayed on track for that. I imagine formula has more guidelines but maybe see what HV says - I'm clueless as to weather you can offer more? X

My boy was born 18th September at 5lbs 15oz (37 weeker) and he’s now drinking 4-5 8oz bottles through the day, your little one will take what they need xx

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