Is there such thing as being too big?

So I’m 21 weeks and I’ve always felt like the bump is way too big for only 21 weeks. Not sure if there’s such thing but today I had someone comment that my belly is really big and they thought I was much further along. It’s my second pregnancy, I had a flat stomach before this pregnancy, I’ve also only gained 2kgs since the start. Also yes there is only one baby. I’m interested to see everyone’s bumps too and hear your thoughts?
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Awh no! Big belly’s are great. You’re pregnant! It’s part of the process. There’s a whole baby in there. Second pregnancy’s tend to show quicker and bigger. I think your belly looks normal for 21 weeks to be honest. Some of it might be bloat and that’s absolutely normal. People don’t know what they’re talking about when they say some pregnant women look too big. People used to doubt I was pregnant when I was pregnant with my first it was so annoying. People love to harass pregnant women. If you’re big it’s an issue, if you’re small it’s also an issue 🙄 enjoy the bump mama! Bumps are beautiful.

I am pregnant for the second time and feel I'm much bigger and earlier this time. I am 23 weeks and get asked all the time you must be due soon 🙊

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