Egg grading

I’m going in tomorrow for my retrieval and am quite anxious about the health of my eggs at 43. How soon do you find out what they are graded at? And any success stories with more mature eggs?
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All clinics are different but we got a call the next day to tell us how many were mature and how many fertilised. Then we got another call to tell us how many made it to blastocyst, I can’t think of this was on day 4 or 5 (we transferred on day 5). We were told the grades of our blastocysts on the day of transfer. So we had 9 retrieved, 7 mature and 4 make it to day 5 blastocysts. Good luck with your retrieval 💫

You won’t find out the grading until they have been fertilised and make it to day 3 or day 5 blastocysts. The embryologist will call the day after retrieval to tell you how many have been fertilised and they will usually be able to tell you then a bit more about the egg quality (I.e. if you’re doing ICSI and there was resistance in fertilisation)

Thank you both that’s really helpful 💞

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