Eating regression

Has anyone else’s baby had an eating regression? Any tips? He used to get on really well with purées, would eat quite a bit, and was making loads of progress with finger foods. He was actually swallowing and chewing things. He was actually doing so well I decided to cut out purées and go on to BLW. I noticed he was eating less of his finger foods and was barely interested after that, so I trialled him out with some purées and he wasn’t as interested in those either - he would only have a few spoonfuls and wouldn’t care anymore. He’s also gone back to acting like he doesn’t know how to eat finger foods! I gave him an egg earlier after no finger foods for a few days and he bit off a chunk and wouldn’t chew it, swallow it or spit it out, just like he did when we started weaning 1.5 months ago. I know this is normal but I’m at a bit of a loss on what happened 😅
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Is he teething or maybe coming down with something? Babies often go off their food if they’re not feeling right or have sore gums.

@Lauren possibly but he hasn’t really been showing other signs of teething, his first two teeth came through a month ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was coming down with something, a lot of people I know are/have been ill recently so something is going around ☹️

@Levi there are so many bugs around at the moment so I wouldn’t be surprised if that was it! Some teeth coming through can bother them more than others too 🙃

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