I think I only ever sat in the back once the day we left the hospital..
I did it for a couple of journeys after she was born but stopped after that, we’ve got the mirror I can see her fine and weve got my toddlers car seat back there as well so I don’t really fit and now my husbands gone back to work I have to drive myself anyway so obviously can’t be back there with her 😅 I know it’s nerve racking with your first but honestly they will be fine, if they’re been fed recently just make sure they’re well burped and they’ll be all good 😊 xx
After the first journey home
I sat back there for the first few car rides. But now we have a mirror and if my baby needs me I just turn around, help put his binky back in and hold his hand for a bit.
I never sit in the back. We have a mirror on the rear seat headrest that the driver can see in the rear view mirror clear view of baby.
Erm never 😂. I did once, and that was on the journey back from the hospital, as my friend gave us a lift home so my partber sat upfront. I'm the driver though! But saying that, when of my fiance is also in the car he doesn't sit in the back
My husband sits in the back with our little girl. I’m the driver. My little one is coming up 4 months x
@Elena same. I’m a single mum like you so I have to do the driving 😅
@Lauryn if I sat in the back the car wouldn’t be moving very far 😂 even when I’m in other peoples cars I wouldn’t. I had a c section so for the whole 6 weeks I was still in the front of my mums car x
My LO is 15 months and if my husband is driving I always sit in the back. I find it easier to entertain him and he recently started to get car sick. I also drive so I obviously don’t when I am driving
After the first journey home
Still going strong here almost 9 months PP 😂
Still do at 14 months but he absolutely despises the car it’s a traumatic event for everyone involved 🙃
After day one I stopped. Only go back there is she’s hungry or crying too much and needs to be soothed until we get to our destination.
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My baby is 8 months and I’ve always been in back with her
On the way home from the hospital and maybe the first trip to the pediatrician at a week, then I stopped. I didn't even sit back there once with #2 😅
Probably when he was about 3/4 weeks, my husband and I took turns tho
My baby was 4 months old because it was easier unless my older daughter who is a teenager sat back seat with baby I always did. After 4 months old I figured baby be ok and less likely to choke or stop breathing on me. I worry lol
I never sat at the back
My baby is 3 months and I’m still in the back x
I drive, so honestly, I put my LG in the front with me (just turn the airbag off) because I've got to drive & if she drops her dummy, I can just pop it back in at a stop. Helps my anxieties too 😅 although, if someone's with us, they sit in the back with the baby
I don’t drive either so i have sat in the back with my little one for every car ride! she’s 9 weeks now and i honestly don’t know when i’ll stop sitting in the back with her!
@Star would it be safer to put baby in the back with a mirror? I promise she will be fine if her dummy falls.
@Ema it's safe either way, my LG prefers the front, she tends to just cry if she's alone in the back which makes it very hard to focus on driving
@Star the only reason my girl is mainly in the back is because I have an isofix base and don’t have the fittings in the front. I put her in the front for long journeys and when I change her seat she will be coming upfront with me all the time ☺️
@Lauryn I just use the seatbelt to secure her seat, but a lot of carsets don't have that option anymore, so from 1 year, she will probably have to go into the back, just a pain that they make the seats like this now, because I'm gunna have to lug the base out of my car when she's going with her dad or nana 🥲
For like 7-8 months, I didn’t drive again till she was about 6 months and I didn’t drive alone with her till about 6.5
I was so nervous not to have my husband with me but I went to the hospital with him alone at like 1 week. Otherwise I made him go with and 1 of us sat in the back.
Ive never sat in the back, even the first journey home. I also travel a lot on my own with her so I don’t have a choice.
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I never sat in the back seat. If the cry was intense, we stopped, soothed, and went on our way
He’s over 2 and I still do generally! More so cause there’s more room than in the front due to his car seat haha. He’s not bothered when we’re driving alone so it’s no issue, it’s more for my comfort! X
My son is 2 and really the only reason I stopped is because I had his sister 2 months ago. Sometimes I’d sit upfront, but most of the time i sat in the back. I just felt like it was nice for him and easier if he needed anything or got restless. 🤷♀️ plus it got to be habit. Now with 2 car seats I can’t sit back there and have sat in the front since day 1.
I’ve got a mirror in the back so I can see baby when driving x
@Star yeah I use the seat belt in the front but the isofix is just quicker 😅 I will be getting an extended rear facing seat which will go in with the seat belt and tethers ☺️
Here and there but we have a camera so we can see him while we drive. If I go places and I’m by myself with my son I can’t sit in the back obviously so it’s nice to have the camera for those situations
I only sat in the backseat for the first drive home from hospital. If he was fussy/crying my partner would pullover so I could move to the backseat, but other than that, I wouldn't. Mostly because I knew I'd be on maternity alone with him so I didn't want him to be reliant on my always sitting in the back, as I'd have to drive us around myself
Bout 4-5 weeks husband went bk to work n I needed to go places didn't have a choice. Just get a mirror or a monitor so u can see them from front seat n ull be absolutely fine to not sit with them anymore
My son is 2 years old and I still sit in the back whenever I can
Until he was about a year old, if we’re on a long car journey though we’ll take it in turns driving and the other will sit in the back to entertain him, I generally love being back in the front though as I get travel sick!
When he was 4 years old and I had to install a new car seat for baby #2 😂😂 Like idk why I sat back there so long, prob just easier to pass snacks 😅