Yes! You’ll see imprints, see white, and then see/feel the ridges. My baby got his first bottom at 4mo and had a full mouth by 1.
@Adriana he’s only 5 months can he have that?
You will see the a white line under the gum and then they will start to break through. Tie a knot in a muslin and soak in cool boiled water. Put it in the fridge and then let baby chew on it. You can also get teethers you can put in the fridge. Ashton and parsons teething granules work well for us and we find Ibuprofen more effective than Calpol
Definitely two teeth on the way!
It takes a while for teeth to come in sometimes. I would give him some numbing tablets or numbing gel but make sure it’s ones ok for babies sometimes they are in baby aisle sometimes pharmacy aisle. I will send pics of what we use. Also get teething toys that you put in freezer and Tylenol can help too.
Any of the stuff I sent in pics are good to use for little ones I find them at Walmart but u could find them at other stores too
Give him celery to chew like a teether. The juice helps the pain
@T-Louise yes it’s frozen I would hold it while he sucks on it
Lots of options out there, generally best to go for non-medical for day to day use. As a starter for ten, for cutting in definitely use calpol or calprofen to help if they're in significant pain, otherwise: - Teething toys and cloths (recommend Infatot and Nuby for silicon toys, or Fehn for crinkly cotton ones, as babies will like different textures - Bibado dinosaur and spoon has been a big hit here after they cut through!) - Fingers (though once they cut in watch out for them chompers!) - Muslin dipped in breastmilk, ziplock bagged, then stuck in freezer for 10min - If weaning you can help by giving them cool cucumber cut to finger stick size Other medicinal options are: - Anbesol (5+) - Bonjela (6+) - Ashton & Parsons (3+) but doesn't work for everyone For gels it's super easy if you have a silicone baby finger toothbrush, but A&P gel has a brush applicator. Oh, also you can just gently massage their gums with your finger or the finger toothbrush doodad which can help!
@T-Louise you can use anbesol gel from 5 months & ashton powders
@Nicole anbesol is not working! i bought it a few days ago that was my last resort , i’ve been using frozen breastmilk , anbesol , nerofen and teethers
my daughters gums were like this for months and months. she didn’t get her two bottoms until 11 and a half months. but her gums were like that from about 8 ish months !
@T-Louise is he close to 6 months? You could try bickiepegs, or yoghurt - normal or frozen
It’s very possible. My Lo teethed for sooo long before teeth popped though.
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@Nicole he turned 5 months 6 days ago
It takes time but yes you can see two teeth coming . But it can take weeks .
Shouldn't give any teething gels , use cold things freezable toys, freeze some fruit and put it inside mesh dummy to chew on.
@Jorja he’s only 5 months can’t give fruit , literally nothing is working so HAD to give numbing cream to help ease the pain just a little bit he is screaming all day
@Mira he’s already been teething for 2 months but really screaming this past week so hopefully it’s soon
The bottom two look a little swollen so they are trying to break through, I would continue giving teether, a frozen mango can help soothe him