Potty training

How long did it take until you're child was potty trained? Do they tell you they need a wee? On day 3, just keep asking and putting him on potty
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We never did it in one go… ours took 6 months off and on and a couple of false starts… then all of a sudden it clicked and she was done in a day. She has the odd accident but it kind of just worked itself out 😬

Sounds right. We're day 3 and starting to give us an idea but we're still putting him on. We will move to commando tomorrow from bare waste down so I don't expect him to be able to tell us. We'll be looking for clues. We tried in Oct and was a disaster so def progress.

Our little girl didn’t tell us when she needed one - she didn’t say the physical words of ‘I need a wee’ but when asked she would reply ‘yes’ however she was only just over two! We kept asking every 10-15 minutes and encouraging her to physically sit on every 30 mins! This included even when we were out - we would stop off sometimes on a journey (where possible) to sit her on the potty - she had the odd accident particularly at nursery when she was busy and distracted but she got it really quickly but I refused to revert to nappies, only at night time xx

We’re on day 1!!! Still not telling us he needs a wee only yelling is he’s wet himself

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