@Star see I worried about the choking too until I heard giggling and you try and I came into the living room to see my three year son old instructing my 8 month old on how to eat half of his subway style sandwich 😔 and then thought well he ate that without dying he can eat some steamed chopped foods probably toddlers have no chill lol
@Jo see that's great, my partner is a lot braver than me with it all, so he's given her rice and then when he was here the other day I tried her on toast (she stole it from my plate so no real choice in that one 😅) she's choked twice, but brought it up & thought it was funny & had the giggles after her little choking fit, meanwhile, I needed to have a sit down and deep breathe 🤣
All of the above for us as well. I liked making my own purees and even made some meat purees which were a big hit with my son, but he preferred the smoother texture of the store bought pea puree
I went straight in with blw and fed whatever we were eating within reason, as it's typically meat carb veg dish.
Steamed veggies and bone marrow were my favorite starter foods
All of the above. First thing she had was broccoli, made at home,.then carrots made at home. One day I was out longer than expected, so I tried her on purées brought from the store (she went crazy for them) and we have also given her baby porridge & broccoli florets. I've just got a BLW book because I'm so nervous about her choking, but she prefers BLW to purées