I’m a C-section mama

I’m 8 weeks pp and I keep seeing small videos on TikTok of ladies having natural birth and I’m so gutted I couldn’t deleiver that way 😞😭 I feel useless Other mamas may feel proud and not bothered who chose to have c section but I’m feeling rather garbage about it lately 😞
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I'm 10 weeks pp after a c section. Its disappointing not to get what you want but everyone if different. I was very much i don't want a c section my whole pregnancy but when it came to chosing a calm emergency section vs continuing a labour that wasn't progressing that would lead to a stressed baby and a stressful emergency section I went with the section. I glad I went that route now. In the earlier days with healing and stuff I hated it but now I'm glad I did as it meant no scary stuff happening- she had to be forceped still as she was working hard to get out but my body was having none of it. It's perfectly normal to see others having what you wanted and feeling sad. Focus on your little one being here safely. How they arrive isn't important in the long run.

@Jessica exactly what I thought didn’t want a c section then didn’t want an emergency c section , in a way yes baby is safe and I’m ok just wish I went natural and had knew that I did it , my little man just wasn’t going down and ended up with a bump on his head from all the squashing from the balloons and pessery I think they said deffo no forceps

So sorry you’re feeling this way and sending you a hug 🤗 I’m 9 weeks pp after an emergency c-section which was not part of the plan at all, and I feel exactly the same way as you. I’m sensitive and very easily triggered about my birth experience, as I feel like I didn’t give birth. My actual c-section experience was good and the main thing is that my little girl arrived safely and I have no judgement at all for those who elect to have a c-section, but just wanted to comment to say you aren’t alone in feeling this way when it wasn’t your plan. I’m trying to focus on the positives. See if your area offer a Birth Reflections appointment to talk through things if that may help you, you can self refer x

Sending you hugs mama. The natural birth mama’s aren’t any better than you are. You brought life out of you just the same way they did. You should be Super Proud. You’re a Hero. Your baby’s Hero. What matters is you’re safe and your baby is.

This is exactly how I feel and I'm constantly apologising to people that I've let them down 😭

Yea i had a failed induction and after 5 days had a c section as I just didn't progess past 4cms started oxytocin at 4cms and 12hrs later still 4cms and she was starting to show signs of being unhappy with the contractions (that was because she was trying to get out and got herself wedged) so they had to use forceps to pull her back up and out so she had a bruise on her face for the first week. You did everything you could and got baby here safely that's the important part not how. Also a c section is a major surgery your body endure so much and it is by no means easier or a cop out way of delivering. If we have any more I will totally opt for a planned section. Equally if you choose to have any more you can still attempt a vaginal birth it doesn't prevent it.

@Tash I second it , it wasn’t my attention to have a c section but I felt everything was going to be turning the even harder way and I tried everything what they advised me and my body just didn’t wanna do what it was meant to do to be doing And I’ll see if that is available

@Ella I just feel like it would of been even more magical :( although it was so amazing seeing little man above from the curtain

@Caitlin all we gotta think is at least our babies got here safe


I sometimes feel downbeat when I see birth videos as I desperately wanted a natural water birth but my baby had other ideas. I do feel like I didn’t do it “properly” but then I remember he’s here and he’s safe and he’s healthy so I did my job no matter what. I don’t think it helps people ask why when you say you had a C-section but one day it will be a distant memory and we and everyone else won’t care how they came. Be proud as C-sections are not easy at all and we have done it that way for a reason x

@Jessica wow! And I was feeling stressed with being 4cm fours hours later 4cms Yes that was the same with my little one when they was getting me to lie on one side to see if he was happy on either but he wasn’t then doctors come in Isn’t that called a vbac? Dunno what I’d do if I had another one

Felt like that until I catch up with all the no c section mamas and realise it was a blessing, it was emergency one but it was calm and baby and me were safe and well so will wear my scar with pride. I do weirdly wish I knew if I could have gone through a vaginal birth I suppose everyone thinks they couldn't do it until they are there, and feel a little cheated I didn't get to experience it but that is strange to have wanted the pain! I have only the NHS to blame for their useless scans and horrendous forcefull induction process so refuse to feel any guilt.

Hey! I had to have a c- section as my baby had to be delivered at 37 weeks and was breech. I cried a lot as I was upset I couldn’t have the experience I always wanted, the spinal didn’t work properly and I was in a lot of pain during the surgery. I also struggled with the recovery as I am a very active person and I didn’t like sitting down, I was so upset I couldn’t get my baby dressed for the first time etc. I am now 8 weeks pp and I have forgotten about it all, I am glad my baby is here and we are both healthy. A c- section is not the ‘easiest way’, c- section mums go through a lot too 💪

Induction started on the Monday. Friday 9am they broke my waters and started oxytocin. 8/9pm Friday options discussed and we tried two more hours to see if any progress happened and if it didn't we would move to c section. And we said if she showed any signs of stress we would do it sooner and she didn't start to show signs of stress until the end of that two hours progress checked (none) so we signed paperwork and headed off ro theatre had a spinal done as the epidural I had earlier in the day had worn off twice so I was like I do not trust that to still be working throughout the surgery. I made an active choice not to compare my journey to anyone else's. My friend was also pregnant and due at the same time and her little boy 3 weeks early after her waters broke at 35 weeks. Every journey is different.

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It’s so hard to not compare yourself to someone who delivered vaginally, I constantly have those thoughts after my emergency section! I’ve found that using different language to describe how my baby was born has helped, where it does grate me when people talk about delivering ‘naturally’, like what does that actually look like? No medical intervention or pain relief at all to be classed as natural? You’re a superhero for going through such major surgery and for having a beautiful baby as the end result ❤️

@Sarah me to I wanted a water birthday but I had the drip and they said it’s to late now I feel like I should have another but then I’d probs have a c section now I’ve had 1 :( would of like to natural

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