How old is she? I have used a combination of mashed food and finger food. She still feeds herself most days with her hands at 8 months. She’ll just pick the mashed food up and shove her hand in her gob. Finger foods typically get chewed and spat out or lashed off the tray to the dog so I’ve learnt not to waste too much time cooking just for the dog to eat it🤣
My little girl started throwing finger food about 7/8 months so we introduced a spoon and mashed food like cottage pie etc as well just to make sure she was actually having something! We used a few 10/12month Heinz/organix meals as she was well used to textures with the blw. We fed her a few spoons and she had a spoon too and it definitely helped. She prefers that kind of food now and it’s still baby led as she can feed herself with the spoon at almost 12 months.
My son wasn’t eating his full meals and was mostly picking and snacking until after one when we stopped bottles and switched to normal milk!
my daughter is 8 months and literally does not eat solids lol. she'll have the odd bite every now and then but nothing consistent
My son is 14 months and he is good at feeding himself. We do a mix of pre loaded spoons and me feeding him for things like cereal, Shepards pie and the odd time still purées such as mushy peas. He more so eats finger foods tho and he has some good meals and some not so good meals where more food ends up on the floor. It’s normal for babies to throw their food and not eat that much at all meals. Our Pediatriton even just told us for his age now that if he refuses a meal to not even feel bad, just try again at the next meal and it’s only a problem is baby is loosing weight.
It is ok to mix purees and BLW if she takes to it more. I did! We gave her mostly purees until 8-9 months, with some soft finger food; then chopped up / minced food, getting slowly more chunky / bigger and reducing the amount of purees by about 10 months. At 14 months, she's a terrific eater and may occasionally have a pouch, but she eats plenty of normal food. Purees aren't the devil, they won't ruin your baby!
My girl is almost 8 months and doesn't eat alot, but she's definitely getting better with it! I tend to make evening meals that are suitable for everyone, so it's not just get eating it, so less wasteful!
How old is your LO? We started ramping up from 9-10 months being small meals to bigger meals in divided dishes around 12-13 months.