Potty training

Have tried on and off as thought my lg wasn’t ready , she’s 3 in feb so really want to get a move on with it but she just refuses to sit on the potty despite trying all different ways feel like she is never going to do it , anyone else having the same problem with a super stubborn child ?
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We are the same. He used to sit on it and occasionally would poop or pee. Then we lost momentum with my husband being away and then coming back in October and now he refuses to sit on one. Not sure what to do!

I’ve tried stickers, little toys I got a doll that has a potty and put it next to hers but she just says no and runs away and I don’t want to force it too much for her to get scared but not sure what else I can do it’s so frustrating isn’t it 🫣

We have a Poppy too ❤️ have a look at the ‘oh crap’ potty training book. We used that and it worked a treat. Prior to doing that method my little girl didn’t want to sit on the potty. You do a few days of nothing on their bottom half and that seemed to be the turning point for us. She hated having an accident with no pants on so wanted to go on the potty instead x

@Katie would are use the toilet with a trainer seat? My son pretty much bypassed the potty and went to the toilet at home. Not saying it was easy mind you, it’s still a work in progress! 😂

@Emma aww that’s so cute what date in feb was your poppy born ? I’m going to try that book as I’ve tried everthing else it’s worth a go so fingers crossed 🤞🏼 xx

@Rachel I think if the potty training book doesn’t work it will have to be the toilet with a trainer seat surely something has to work 😢🫣😂xx

I really would not worry, I tried twice before my son was ready and it was more stress for him and me than anything else. We left the potty out and he eventually he just decided to sit on it! My biggest bit of advice was wait until they show signs and mainly when you see that they can hold their wee for periods of time, that’s the best time to start. But don’t feel pressured, the age doesn’t mean anything in when they should or shouldn’t be trained! X

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