Postpartum hairloss

It’s relentless 😭 please tell me I’m not alone 🥺
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Honestly my hair is coming out constantly and also in clumps! It just snapped with my first ! This time I’m checking for bald patches haha !

You are not alone. I’m the same x

you are definitely not alone. i hate washing my hair…. so much comes out!

Looks like everyone hit the hair loss mark at the same time! I noticed it in the last few weeks too! X

Yep same been in tears I have small patches.. so scared

They’re 1/2 price in Holland & Barrett atm

It's driving me insane i am only 3 and a half months not even at 4 months amd this started about a week or 2 ago

Me tooo😰😰

If anyone finds a cure let us know but think just hair vitamins and waiting game!

Yes me! had a shower yesterday and you could’ve made a wig with what came out 🙃😳

Omg it's relentless isn't it. Have to keep my hair in a bun all the time otherwise it just moults all over me and ends up on baby boy. Sick of it, hoping it will end soon!

@Ellie Mc same! I have a little collection on the side of my bath. I feel like I have 2 bald patches at the front sides :(

@Beverley yes this is like me!! I do know it grows back though as the same happened with my first, but not nice when it’s happening!

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