You are not alone. I’m the same x
you are definitely not alone. i hate washing my hair…. so much comes out!
Looks like everyone hit the hair loss mark at the same time! I noticed it in the last few weeks too! X
Yep same been in tears I have small patches.. so scared
They’re 1/2 price in Holland & Barrett atm
It's driving me insane i am only 3 and a half months not even at 4 months amd this started about a week or 2 ago
Me tooo😰😰
If anyone finds a cure let us know but think just hair vitamins and waiting game!
Yes me! had a shower yesterday and you could’ve made a wig with what came out 🙃😳
Omg it's relentless isn't it. Have to keep my hair in a bun all the time otherwise it just moults all over me and ends up on baby boy. Sick of it, hoping it will end soon!
@Ellie Mc same! I have a little collection on the side of my bath. I feel like I have 2 bald patches at the front sides :(
@Beverley yes this is like me!! I do know it grows back though as the same happened with my first, but not nice when it’s happening!
Honestly my hair is coming out constantly and also in clumps! It just snapped with my first ! This time I’m checking for bald patches haha !