Babydaddy in delivery room

If your baby daddy threatened to kick you out everyday, calls you names and emotionally abuses you in front of our first child - would you let him in the delivery room with ur second kid. i'm honestly so done with him and i can't tell if im valid for this or being petty bc my hormones. the only reason I would think i would regret, is because it may put a block between them bonding and could possibly hurt my second son by his dad being closer to our first. regardless, if he pisses me off or disrespects me AT ALL in that hospital- he's out. and i don't care and that will be my boundary and he will know that well before the delivery happens. what do u think am i bitter as fuck. i've been highly emotionally and in the past physically abused by this mf for years and i am done letting shit go. especially when it comes to my kids. he cheated on me w women and men my whole pregnancy. and complained when i asked to buy pads for postpartum. 🥱
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I’d just not let him in tbh, has no right if he treats you like that

also- i am only 14 weeks. so i am pretty early to even make this decision, but it is definitely something that i will be considering unless there is some serious changes. therapy being one of them, he has promised to go and as a narcassist will, he will find any excuse. so i quit i throw my hands in the air and trying my best to not show him that so i can save up and move on my own with a stable living situation

@Alex thank you 🙏🙏🙏

Do what you want its your body your the one going through it if u dont feel comfortable him being there and dont feel like he will step up and support you say no!! If you dont want to be alone ask a friend or family member that will support you!! You got this x

Girl… find yourself a way out. Your babies and you don’t deserve that.

@Emily thank you. ❤️

I was in same situation 3 kids i just recently left if i can do this shit by myself so can you dont doubt yourself trust your gut!

@Rebekah the sad thing is .... i did have a way out and i moved out he promised he would go to therapy and try as im in therapy i attend 3 sessions a week, so after a few months i came back 😖 learning lessons i guess and this time i just need to be independent on my own bc my family is also just chaos.

@Emily thank you 🥹 that's encouraging, i don't believe in myself at all and makes me doubt myself and in general my ability to even be a mother but therapy is helping me with those mental blocks. my son is 3 and i worry about him bc im always so stressed out. i barely live in the moment im always in survival mode

Girl, one u leave for good the pressure and stress will just vanish and u will never feel peace like it i stayed for 10 years wish i left sooner , regarding kids and how much he will bother might take time to sort out if hes like that but you being happy will mean your kids will be happy! X

So my BD did do this to me until I was 18 weeks pregnant with our second and I finally just left. Guess he never thought I would and he was pissed that I did, but who cares, he made his bed he can lay in it. I gave birth alone, but with our two year old there and it was the best decision I could’ve ever made.

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