@Kiera yes other parent is on birth certificate & not long but they were thinking for the future as it seems so far nothing is changing . & the stepparent steps up alot
So other parent would have to agree and then it’s super easy at court. If they don’t agree it would have to go to court and you would have to outline and state why it’s in the childs best interest. It would look ‘better’ if parent and step parent have been together for a while and even better married, as once it’s given it’s hard to remove and if they were to seperate it could cause issues and they would have to go back to court to remove it Have you got Facebook?x
Just to add, if both parents are present in child’s life then at court you would need solid reasons why step parent would need PR, such as parent working away sometimes and step parent having child etc x
Yes 100% can be done! Is the other parent on the birth certificate? How long have step parent and parent been together?